10 Days Under The Sea
Explore the depths of the ocean looking for hidden treasure.
A mysterious ancient has robbed the body of Carry, and as a result they have lost an antique compass that is lost in the depths of the ocean. Only one person can help them: you.
Get involved in this fantastic adventure that is offered by 10 Days Under The Sea in which you only have 10 days to achieve your aim: find the famous compass hidden in the ocean. But as with all games there is a difficulty, and in this 10 Days Under The Sea your aim is to find it in the ocean acros the whole planet. From the Sea of Japan to the larget river in the world, the Nile, passing by the Caribbean.
And to make it more exciting, in 10 Days Under The Sea you`ll find numerous puzzles to solve and multiple minigames to play in a world full of excellent graphics with fantastic scenes. Can you find all the parts of the compass in ten days?
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